Still Drive
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With natural evolution as a starting point, this work explores the influence that all life-forms have on one another and the role it plays in shaping them through complex relationships. As individual species we may have drifted apart from each other in terms of form and behaviour, heading off in truly wonderful and inconceivable directions, but the interconnectedness between everything is undeniably there. Like puzzle pieces; each of them unique but shaped in accordance to the pieces next to it, every life-form is in one way or another moulded by its surrounding environment, creating a never-ending chain of influence. Revealing a bigger, and much more complicated picture at play, where humanity’s fabricated eminence and augmented realities are not separate, but part of the same process. A big piece of the same puzzle. Our existence as ripples in an ever-changing current where it fills every vacant crevice and satisfies every niche. Birth, life and death merge and act as the wheels of this perpetual force. Symbolised in these three sculptures, each piece explores future-past scenarios where the artificial and the organic blur into one, and the division between man and nature is put into question.

Photos are of work in progress
Final version can be seen at the Sandberg Graduation Show at HET HEM Oct 7-10